



“The body benefits from movement and the mind benefits from stillness.” - Sakyong Mipham

Have you ever felt like you were upset for no reason or you snapped because of a small inconvenience? Did you lay on the horn when someone cut you off in traffic or did you start crying when you realized you forgot something at home? You can prevent this by incorporating self-care into your daily routine. 

The elastic band theory: An elastic band will stretch and adapt if you tug on it. It’s designed to do that. However, if overstretched it will not recoil back to its normal shape, but instead, will become weaker and frayed. If you continue to stretch the elastic band it will eventually snap. This analogy can be transferred to the human body. We are designed to adapt to stress. We have stress hormones such as cortisol that help us cope with acute stress and we have neurotransmitters like GABA that help us relax or restore our homeostatic state. However, if we over-stress our systems continuously over a long period of time and refrain from introducing measures that reduce tension, just like an elastic band – we can snap. If we are frayed or weak, even the smallest of stressors can break us.

1.  Slow down your morning.

There is nothing worse than starting the day without a morning tea or coffee, forgetting something because you were rushed, or being late for an important meeting with your boss. Waking 10 to 15 minutes earlier to ensure you have time for that nice hot cup of coffee, nourishing meal, and relaxing start can make a very positive difference to the rest of your day. Try to avoid emails or stressors first thing in the morning and utilize your energy for important or challenging tasks (after your “you” time of course).

2.  Fresh air.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, step outside. Take a short walk or a long hike. Clear your head and breath in the fresh hair to replete your oxygen stores.

3.  Connect with someone you love.

We are our own biggest critics. Sometimes we just need a gentle nudge from a friend to reset our thought processes. A little love, a good laugh, and even a simple smile can go a long way.

4.  Relaxation yoga.

Evening stretching can promote a sense of physical calm. This is because relieving physical tension can, in turn, reduce emotional tension, and vice versa.

5.  Do nothing.

Lay there. Cuddle. Rest for 5 minutes an hour. This will help you relax and process your thoughts.

6.  Remove the triggers.

Is social media bringing you down? Are you comparing yourself to your colleagues and feeling inadequate? Are you criticizing yourself because you think your friends may be more fit than you? Try a digital detox and stop comparing yourself to everyone else’s highlight reel. It’s draining.

7.  After work reset. 

Take a pause at the end of your day before transitioning into another busy zone such as exercise or children’s activities. Take that 5 or 10 minutes to go for a walk, nap, or listen to music. Pause and enter in a state of calm.

8.  Take a bath.

Make time for this quiet space away from computers, children, work, and noise. Use Epsom salts to relax your muscles and calming essential oils like Lavender. 

9.  Journal.

Release any thoughts that are racing through your mind. Take some time to journal a solution or expression of gratitude. This helps you process thoughts you may not even be aware of and filter out unnecessary worry.

10.  Pre-book monthly therapies.

Are you a fan of massage, acupuncture, float tanks, restorative yoga, meditation classes? Pre-book these in your schedule and make them an ongoing priority.


self Reflection

Get a piece of paper and pen ready!

How do you want to feel? What’s getting in the way? What are you going to do about these obstacles?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What activity makes you feel at ease?
What can you incorporate in your daily routine to act as a source of replenishment?