



“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food”

QUALITY DOES MATTER! What we put into our body becomes who we are and how effectively we function. If we focus on ingesting whole, nutritious, fresh foods then we will worry less about developing undesired symptoms and ‘dis-eases’.

What many people don’t realize is the microbes in our gut synthesize about 90% of our total serotonin, also known as our happy hormone. Gut bacteria also play a large role in regulating the immune system. Therefore, if we eat processed, inflammatory foods these microbes are impeded from optimal functioning because they live in a toxic environment that either kills them or interferes with important metabolic processes. This, in turn, results in symptoms such as depression, poor immune function, fatigue, eczema, indigestion, and so much more!

Principles of Healthy Eating

  • Prepare your own meals; avoid processed/boxed/frozen meals.

  • Eat fresh, seasonal, and when possible, local.

  • Enjoy an abundance of vegetables.. 

  • Enjoy sweets on occasion (i.e., once or twice per week).

  • Pair carbohydrates with a fat and/or protein to help sustain your energy and satiety.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • include a variety of foods in your daily menu since this will, in turn, result in a wider array of nutrients and prevent the development of food sensitivities.

How to Optimize Digestion

  • Prepare your own food to stimulate gastric juices and improve digestion.

  •  Eat slowly to improve mindfulness and nutrient breakdown.

  • Avoid large meals to prevent overeating and gastric discomfort.

  • Eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed to prevent heartburn or reflux.

  • Eat in a calm, quiet place and refrain from multi-tasking (“rest and digest”).

  • Eat natural, organic whole foods because highly processed foods are difficult to digest.

  • Take 3 deep breaths before each meal to activate and support digestion. 

What Should I Eat?

I recommend the below list of whole foods as a platform of good choices. The goal is to prioritize whole, non-processed, anti-inflammatory, and nutrient rich foods. It is important to include protein, fat, and carbohydrate in each meal because each macronutrient has a different but essential role in fuelling the body. For example, a chicken salad may not keep you feeling full for long but if you add some avocado you are more likely to feel satisfied and perform better.

HIGH QUALITY PROTEINSEssential for GROWTH, HEALING, and SATIETY. Athletes require amino acids for muscle growth and repair while children and pregnant women require protein for adequate developmentMeat: Grass-fed beef, bison, lamb Poultry: Organic c…


Essential for GROWTH, HEALING, and SATIETY. Athletes require amino acids for muscle growth and repair while children and pregnant women require protein for adequate development

Meat: Grass-fed beef, bison, lamb
Poultry: Organic chicken, turkey, eggs, duck
Fish: Salmon (wild), mackerel, sardines, herring
Legumes: Chick peas, kidney beans, navy beans, pinto beans, lima beans, lentils

HEALTHY FATSRequired for LONG-TERM ENERGY, HEALTHY HORMONES and SATIETYRaw nuts & seeds: Almonds, cashews, pistachios, macadamia, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds Oils: COLD TEMPERATURES (salad dressings): olive, walnut, flax, almo…



Raw nuts & seeds: Almonds, cashews, pistachios, macadamia, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds
Oils: COLD TEMPERATURES (salad dressings): olive, walnut, flax, almond; MEDIUM TEMPERATURES (sautéing, frying, baking): coconut, sesame, olive, sunflower, sesame, grape-seed; HIGH TEMPERATURES (deep frying, searing, stir-frying): avocado, rice bran, safflower, peanuts
Other: Grass-fed butter, avocado, fish (salmon)

CARBOHYDRATESProvide IMMEDIATE ENERGY to support physical and mental activity (e.g., exercising, writing an exam, or giving a presentation)Vegetable: ROOT: yams, sweet potato; CRUCIFEROUS AND/OR GREEN LEAFIES: broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, lettuc…


Provide IMMEDIATE ENERGY to support physical and mental activity (e.g., exercising, writing an exam, or giving a presentation)

Vegetable: ROOT: yams, sweet potato; CRUCIFEROUS AND/OR GREEN LEAFIES: broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, lettuce, asparagus, zucchini
Fruits: BERRIES: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries
Gluten-free whole grains: Quinoa, wild or brown rice, steel cut oats or gluten-free rolled oats, buckwheat, millet



  • Anything that makes you feel lousy



Get a piece of paper and pen ready!

What are your nutrition goals?
E.g., To improve overall energy and optimize my workouts.
What are your ‘trouble’ spots? 
E.g., I notice myself reaching for quick energy foods.
What are the times of day or places this happens? 
E.g., I always have cravings late at night and start to scavenge the cupboards.
To prevent this I am going to …
E.g., Prepare healthy snacks and ensure I consume enough nutrient dense calories earlier in the day.



Coming soon

What is the perfect diet for my goals?